Wednesday, 8 June 2011

The history of our life...

Everyday there would be stories and events that become the lines in our journey of life that create a trail of history folded neatly in our own memories. It could be happy, sad, joyous, extraordinary but all the same it will become part of our lenghty lines of memory that will make us either happier or sadder, weaker or stronger, success or fail to gain what we dream of. Whatever the outcome would depend on our own action towards the situation we are facing...we might be successful or we could also face failure..But whatever it is we shouldn't be feeling despair, dissapointed or give up, because our journey is not ended yet..keep on moving until we see the light of joy, happiness and faith glowing brightly unto our face towards the end of the tunnel of our journey..because that's what we really are, the light of heaven upon creation by God. Though sometimes we feel dissapointed over things that we experience along the way, we must not think of it as the end...cos God is always right to his long we are perseverance Insyallah the light will show itself to us and guiding us toward the light of truth that will accompany us till the end and the life after...