Assalamualaikum warramatulahi tahala wabarakatu, such a fine day today, unfortunately I myself is not quite fine. But I try not to entertain the sick feeling by doing the house chores as much as possible, that includes making breakfast for my only son, sweeping the floor and mop it. Now I feel quite okay, thank you Allah for giving me the opportunity to breath and feeling much better now :-).
Now I'm listening to selawat to the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, very nice lyrics and music, one can cry just by listening to it. everything that we go through each day is with Allah's plan and will, no need to complain just accept it with patient, in shaa Allah it will be worthwhile, for Allah subhana watah a'la knows best for each and every creation of Him.
Today I plan to just relax and write something here. Well actually my idea of writing has run out. Probably because of the unhealthy body give effects to the healthy mind! well I must think positive. So do all of us. If we continue to think just because we are sick, thus we must always stay in bed and sleep all day long, I think that will be a waste of time. There will be time for us to sleep forever, BUT definitely not while we are still breathing, right? sick or healthy we must not surrender to the whisper of our heart to just do nothing. Even when we feel so tired and have no energy to do anything, think that even those who have so many obstacle in their life still can hurdle it with little or no complain at all, for example those who are living inGaza. They are so strong even the little when they have so many of their relatives and friends died, they can still smmile, whereas for us here, by seeing their misfortune has made us cried! But truly they teach us to be strong in whatever situation we are in. Hence I'm determine to be strong no matter what! But of course as human there are times when we need to stop an dcry for our weaknesses and sins that we did, so that we can repent and make a just reflections on our life, so that we can be a better person in shaa Allah. Well tha's all for now, may be will write again later, till then be steadfast in doing the good deeds, aameen :-)...