These tree are siblings, almost similar but not quite the same. We always HOPE for something, whether it is small or big. In our hope, deep down in our heart, we know that sometimes what we hope for will come through, but NOT impossible that it might not too! There it goes!
Then we DREAM, imagining that we are in some sort of a situation or position that we really want to be. Thats it just dreaming and imagining, is there really any effort to make it come through? ermm..not really! It was just a great dream, that will make us smile and lifted our heart a little bit, making our day a little better.
VISION...erm kind of a big word, a little scary though, come to think of it! Visualising oneself in a situation or position which we are not in yet! BUT really feeling it as if we are already there. Not something impossible, in fact, we can really feel our pulse, dig dag dig dag, the urge is there for us to live the life we visualise ourself in. Yup, thats it, we really are there already, keep on visualising, feel it, and you will know that it is yours to take, enjoy and celebrate, for the success or whatever that you visualised is really happening! Thats the power of VISION! So make your pick, whatever your choice is yours to take.